legal adj. 1.法律(上)的。 2.法定的,合法的,正当的。 3.【宗教】按照摩西律法的。 one's legal status 合法地位。 the legal profession 律师业。 a legal adviser 法律顾问。 a legal fare 法定运费。 n. 1.法定权利。 2.依法必须登报的声明。 3.〔pl.〕 储蓄银行[信托公司]可以用来投资的证券。
You should go through the legal formality 你应该办理合法手续。
Simplification or elimination of the legal formalities connected with the distribution upon the death of the settler or beneficiaries 简化或省却委托人或受益人逝世后分配遗产时所牵涉的法律手续
Simplification or elimination of the legal formalities connected with the distribution of assets upon the death of the settlor or beneficiaries 简化或省却委托人或受益人逝世后分配遗产时所牵涉的法律手续
Is all this talk of copyright abuse overblown ? is the perceived need to protect yourself from prosecution just another anal - retentive legal formality 译:这个关于版权滥用的讨论都是夸大其辞吗?意识到保护自己免遭诉讼的必要只是另一种转眼即忘的法律程序吗?
Because of their subjective forms , rights obtained with legal formalities according to legal process are real legal rights . this point of right ' s subjective forms thus gives support to broad rights conflict doctrine 权利具有主观形式性的特点,不能用客观的实质正义标准加以衡量,因而经法定程序取得的具有形式上合法性的权利,就是真正的法律权利。